hen hao.
everything is disappearing faster than i realise.
very good.
7:07 AM
despite many things that are keeping me busy, the sadness and disappointment just comes in random bouts.
i had convinced myself that it's ok, there is somebody else to be there anyway.
then it just had to happen to that person too.
it's ok.
it's just damn tiring to push on when all the motivation is gone.
i'm so screwed up.
11:11 PM
cooooolness blogger can now upload videos!!! wooots :D my niece is so cute! i miss her already. (: nvm just about 30 hours more. (: (lol everbody sounds SO DAMN CHILDISH when they are talking to babies -.-)
aiya actually i got a lot to say one..but forget it. i shall just note down the FIRST-TIMEs i've had these few days!
1. killed 5 roaches in a span of 12 hours.
2. washed clothes!
3. took bus to school early in the morning myself!
4. anyhow tikamed more than 4 questions for one test!
ok. so lame.
the roaches are so disgusting. like one whole family can. i wonder why my dad never thought of spraying the insecticide straight into the hole where he suspected them to be coming from.
i did! and out came 2 baby roaches. ewwww.
5 roaches and 1 dunno-what-insect. all killed by me.
gross, gross, gross.
EDIT: SIX DAMNED ROACHES. bu zhi hao dai!
11:52 AM
so, it has gone and passed.
there wasn't any overwhelming emotions, but the heavy feeling followed me around today.
i thought i'd be fine tonight, considering how tired i'm supposed to be.
but typing out the exco of art gym 2008 in an email, i am suddenly (finally) hit by the urge to cry.
i'm going to leave them behind soon.
dear juniors, although i did not take on the job of captain happily, it was good to lead all of you, even though i did not do a good job. denise may not have felt this way; the strange mixture of worry that you guys will go haywire without my constant annoying shrieks and nagging, but the sureness that you guys will do just fine, even better without me.
the support, tolerance and love you gave me, i know.
i thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
a year ago, i would never imagine i would wish that i could stay here just like this.
a few months ago, i thought it would be hard.
now, i realise it's even harder than i think.
10:05 PM
i kind of miscalculated, so i should be in utter despair now.
but, the stress is so great that some things just escape me.
today's 感动 saved me a little.
last bio lesson today, would've been sad if not for the fact that it'll most probably not be the last of mr lim i'll see (:
took our graduation photo during jap class today. when sensei gave me a hug (!) i was surprised and of course touched.
and several more 感动s today; that thing that i missed for quite some time, the resolution of misunderstanding, the results that surprised me so much...
tomorrow, the last of certain things.
it's scary thinking about it.
it just serves to remind me that the end is looming closer every day.
5:29 PM
what do i do without you!
7:59 PM
11:02 PM
anyway, this week's been cool ((: though i haven't really gotten past the !^%!#!!@ of ss test, distractions have been good :D
angklung concert rocks xD to all who didnt go: NYEH NYEH! DEPRIVED! :D
i shall go make a facebook! haha so productive right (:
9:17 PM

10:17 PM